Magical Objects+Creatures
Magical Objects:
One Celtic god had a powerful club that could both kill and revive men.
I think this was significant because this was a weapon of balance; it could both destroy and build. This may have taught listeners about balance in life.
Gae Bolga: Cuchulain had a spear that once in the body, it would separate into multiple barbs and be almost impossible to get out. Not only this, but the wound it left was fatal.
Uaithne: This was Dagda's magical harp that could only be played by him. Not only would it put the seasons in the correct order once played, but it could also make anyone who heard laugh of joy or cry of sorrow.
Magical Creatures:
Leprechauns: These magical little people are now known worldwide. These mischievous Irish creatures always have a secret stash of gold hidden away, and if you capture one, they must reveal its location. These widely known creatures are important to Irish culture because they now represent that country. Leprechauns’ fame has brought attention to Ireland, and these mythical people are always a reminder for the Irish.
Merrows: These sea creatures were human waist up, and fish waist down. Though mostly women, there were also male Merrows that were more aggressive and would capture unknowing sailors. Female Merrows used music to lure others in with their sweet voices.
Diagram of a Merrow
Swords dug up and said to be from Irish Mythology