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Cultural Beliefs​


In Irish culture, people believed that dogs were strong and fiercely loyal creatures. Not only this, but most dogs were believed to be very intelligent, skilled hunters. This is important to their culture because it meant the Irish relied on dogs a lot, something that is still followed today.


There are four cycles in Celtic mythology and history: the Mythological Cycle, the Ulster Cycle, the Fenian Cycle and the Historical Cycle. They outline important events in the Irish past. These cycles define Ireland’s past and history, and are even still used today.

From research gathered, one can infer that people of Irish culture looked up to heroes and heroines that were brave and did thing for the greater good. This is a cultural belief because it is something that not all people of other cultures could agree with. For example, Dagda (an Irish god), was looked up to for his strength and bravery. There are many others instances where this happened such as the great warrior Cuchulain, who went through hardship to get a hand in marriage. Today, he is one of the most popular mythological figures in culture, known for his bravery and persistance.
One thing that was used and believed in in Irish culture was a Tree Calendar. With every tree came a new meaning and purpose. The Irish and Celts believed that these trees would guide them through life. For example, they believed that the birch tree had the power to purify and ward off evil spirits.

The Celtic Tree Calander

Cuchulain with two dogs, ready to battle

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